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Monday, April 16, 2012

My rant about the permanent bar

What is the permanent bar?
1. A person accrues at least one year of unlawful presence in the U.S.
2. That person leaves the U.S.
3. That person then reenters the U.S. illegally.
Such a person is permanently inadmissible to the U.S.  
The point of the bar - to punish recidivist immigration violators.  

I think this law was well-intentioned to discourage illegal immigrants from reentering the country.  However, I have been observing terrible results since I started my practice.  Really good people are suffering because of this bar, usually because they traveled home to visit a dying loved one or something to that effect.  Families are being split up and immigration relief that would be otherwise available is not.  

Currently a person has to wait 10 whole years before being allowed to ask for a waiver for the permanent bar. However, this is unacceptable to most families.  I say we need a waiver to the permanent bar that is available sooner.  End of rant.